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Responses to conflict are strongly influenced by instinct and habit. Not just yours, but those of your opposite.Like a martial arts ninja, you can reach a high level of ability to manage complex interactions skillfully, if you invest a small amount of effort on a regular basis.
That takes time - but once you build conflict styles awareness it will never leave you.
Signup to our Conflict Ninja List to craft your response to conflict over time. You'll get regular review of key basics and short exercises on conflict styles.A few minutes a month will take you to new levels of self-management and give you new insights into the conflict styles of people you live and work with.
And - we'll keep you up-to-date on latest insights, discoveries, and new resources in the growing field of conflict transformation.
You'll start by receiving all posts from Ron Kraybill's blog, which includes categories of conflict style management, leading conflict resolution workshops, and peacebuilding broadly. You can easily Unsubscribe or reduce the number of categories you receive at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of every post.