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Score report gives detailed suggestions for optimizing your responses to conflict. Simple graphics and clear text take you quickly and effortlessly through the fundamentals of conflict styles. Free online tutorial available for indepth study.
Eight pages of personalized advice.Take a short online survey and get an immediate report, packed with no-nonsense feedback. Our software analyzes your scores, highlights your strengths, alerts you to things to watch out for, and gives specific suggestions for improving your conflict style.
Storm Shift assessment.Does your behavior change as things escalate from mere disagreement to high intensity conflict? Does stress in your environment trigger unexpected responses from you towards people around you? A Storm Shift, even a big one, is not necessarily a problem, if you recognize the response and manage it. But if you don't, confusion and mistrust will grow. Learn your patterns and manage your Storm Shift.
Guidance for partners.The "Partner Support" section provides detailed suggestions for partners and friends. Use this for rewarding conversation with people you live or work with. They'll understand you better and know how to help you function at your best.
Interactive tutorial enables independent learning.Includes all the content covered in most training workshops: basics of the five styles, strengths and weaknesses of each, and how to work with people whose styles differ from yours.
Practical tips show you next steps.Get specific suggestions you can use immediately in your relationships, based on your scores. Trying to be nice isn't always the answer. Style Matters helps you assess what really matters and act accordingly.
Online resources put expertise at your fingertips.Get new ideas on anger management (How to express it constructively), apology (Why apologizing too soon can make things worse), conflict resolution, culture and conflict, training, and more. Connect to resources and people working on issues you care about.
Cultural adaptability.Works for people from a variety of cultural background (thanks to Edward T. Hall's concept of High Context and Low Context cultures).
Money back guarantee: We'll refund every penny if you don't get new insights on your conflict style.
Gain valuable new insights about yourself and your options in conflict or we'll refund your money in full. No explanation required.
To get a Student Discount or reduced price: We turn away no motivated person on financial grounds. We offer Style Matters at significant discounts to students and individuals in financial hardship for any reason. We ask instructors who use Style Matters in schools and universities to contact us for a discount code to give their students that brings the price down to $14. Students: If your teacher does not yet have a discount code, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the name of your school and the class for which you are taking Style Matters. We'll reply with a discount code and instructions to use it. All users: If you are unable for any reason to pay the standard $49 charge for Style Matters, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and tells us how much you can afford to pay. Odds are we will say yes!