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Trainer Kathy Galleher on Using Style Matters

Consultant Oma Drawas on Using Style Matters

What Trainers Say About Style Matters

Access Code for Pre-Paid Users

$20-$34 per user, depending on quantity. Pre-pay Style Matters Online for multiple users (minimum purchase of two). We'll send you an Access Code by email as soon as you place your order, good for a set number of users. You email instructions for login with the Access Code to your users (suggested text included in our followup email).
Click here to purchase

This product is similar to our trainer dashboard, but easier to setup as trainer.   You just email the code and instructions to your users and they take it from there.  (The dashboard offers more options, like easier tracking of users, ability to export all user scores to one file, ability to delay delivery of score reports but requires you to enter names and addresses of users into your dashboard). 

Easy to get your users to the inventory.  All you do is send one email to your users!
Easy to track exactly who has taken the inventory.  Coupon manager page records all users. 

How to Use Coupon Access

Immediately upon purchase we'll send you an Access Code good for the number of users you have paid for.  You email users the following suggested text:  

In preparation for our upcoming training I've made arrangements for you to take the Style Matters conflict style inventory as a pre-paid user. Here are instructions:

1. Please click here and go to the Style Matters site. Login to style matters

2. Follow instructions there to enter your name, email, password, and access code, which is: [ACCESS CODE HERE]. The code is not case specific. You can type it by hand or copy and paste it from this email to the login. Then click Login to Style Matters.

3. "Welcome to Style Matters" displays on your screen. You're there! Just follow instructions.

It takes about 10-15 minutes to take the inventory.  You will see your score report as soon as you've finished taking the inventory and you will also receive it in your email. Please print out a copy and bring it to our session on (DATE OF YOUR TRAINING SESSION)."

That's it! Your users will take it from there and arrive in your workshop with a printout of their score report in hand!

Includes easy tracking of use

As trainer, you will automatically receive an emailed copy of the score report of each user as soon as they take the inventory (We'll switch this off if you request so.)  In addition, you'll have a Coupon Manager page on our site that shows exactly who has taken the inventory.  As shown in the infographic below, if you've ordered more than one coupon you can see how many uses each has had.   By clicking on the Detail button you can see name and email of each user.


Optimize for learning

Train with tools designed by trainers and optimized for learning. Direct attention beyond numbers to core strengths, opportunities for growth, and strategic choices.

Prepare for diversity

Build conflict resolution skills in settings where managing differences is challenging. Use training tools with built-in cultural flexibility. Provide opportunities to discuss how diverse backgrounds shape habits in conflict.

Be practical

Ground learning in affirmation of existing strength. Give clear, simple feedback on areas of concern. Provide detailed suggestions for options to improve.

Be stress aware

Calm≠Storm. Recognize response to conflict as dynamic and not single state.  Give tools to manage the Storm Shift.

Be where they are

Provide multi-platform delivery of training. Support groups and teams scattered physically and working together online. Use time-saving web tools to facilitate learning for individuals, teams, or groups, in face-to-face workshops or online.

Work with limits

Price training materials in reach of all who need them. Reduce prep, coordination, and delivery time with trainer-friendly online tools. Deliver rich learning, on location or online, in less time, with less travel.

Take a long view

Expand the window of learning and support reflection before, during, and after workshops. Set up rich discussion in pairs, small groups, and large groups. Followup with resources for continued growth.  Facilitate journeys, not events.