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Order Style Matters as TrainerEssay by Ron Kraybill on strengths and limitations of the Thomas KilmannTrainer testimonials regarding Style MattersDownload free 40 page Trainers Guide to Successful Conflict Styles Workshops (for Style Matters but works for TKI too)Download free Review copy of Style Matters
Framework is five-styles Mouton/Blake axis
Time required to take - 15 minutes or less
Suitable for multiple delivery modes (solo or trainer-led)
Full interpretation info included with inventory
Option to buy additional booklet for $19.75 per user
Scores for Storm Shift (differing responses in Calm vs. Storm settings)
Trainer Dashboard enables online management of users and score reports by trainer
$199 annual fee
Includes Partner Support section with tipsfor partner/colleagues of user
$45 - includes score report. No tutorial. $21.95 in bulk, plus $200 annual account fee. Online Basic Training Course for TKI available for $225.
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Information on Style Matters from; on Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument from Our goal is fair, accurate comparison. We would be grateful to be informed of - and will quickly correct - any points on which the above comparison is out-dated or does not meet these standards. View this on Slideshare.See also Wikipedia entries on Thomas Kilmann, Style Matters, and conflict style inventories.
Many trainers using Style Matters today started out with the Thomas Kilmann. Read an assessment of the TKI and reasons why Style Matters author Ron Kraybill eventually abandoned it and developed Style Matters here. See also Kraybill's blog post comparing Style Matters to the Thomas Kilmann and the Hammer Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory.
Here is an excellent introduction to the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, addressed in particular to managers. Since the Thomas Kilmann is based on the same logical framework as the Style Matters inventory (namely, the Mouton Blake Grid) many concepts in this essay apply to both.
There's a summary of a study about conflict styles of medical residents in a hospital in this essay in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education. Other researchers might benefit from learning how the study was structured. Medical doctors, instructors of medical students, and HR people in hospitals might benefit from findings about which conflict styles were associated with best performance of medical residents.The study found that residents who had high scores in the ACGME competencies (a standardardized battery of ratings widely used in medical schools associated with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education to evaluate the performance of residents) showed strong preferences for the Competing (same as Directing in Style Matters) and Cooperating conflict styles and low preferences for Avoiding and Accommodating (same as Harmonizing in Style Matters). Students with low scores in the ACGME competencies had scores reflecting opposite preferences.
This essay is also of interest from a psychometric standpoint, for the authors mention in passing that the test-retest reliability "ranges from 0.61 to 0.68". Given that .90 or above is considered a good score, and .70-.80 an acceptable score, this places the TKI below the minimum acceptable rating. This means that when people retake the TKI, their scores often vary significantly from the first time they took it.
Elsewhere the essay mentions "there are concerns about the alpha reliability of the TKI". That means there may not be consistency among the TKI questions in accurately measuring the same thing, another red flag from a psychometric standpoint. Given our bias at Style Matters towards optimizing for learning and classroom dynamics rather than psychometrics, that's not such a big deal. But for an inventory whose publisher has long promoted "rock solid metrics" as its number one quality, it's less than impressive.