If you're a trainer using an access code, use this page to get instructions for sending it to users, to monitor use of coupons, change settings for who receives score reports, and get guidance to training materials. To see and use all the features of this page, you need to be logged in.
Login to review access code useage
60 second video shows how to use Coupon Manager to monitor coupon use. Change settings for forwarding score reports. Monitor use of coupons. Resources for trainers.
After you purchase Coupon Access as a trainer, you will receive an email with your access code and detailed instructions for forwarding it to users. This email includes a suggested text to send to your users and your own unique code is already inserted in the text. The suggested text reads as follows:
In preparation for the training I've made arrangements for you to take the Style Matters conflict style inventory as a pre-paid user.
1. Go to www.RiverhouseEpress.com
2. Enter your name, email, password of your choice, and the access code, which is: XXXXYYYY. The code is not case specific. You can type it by hand or copy and paste it from this email to the login. Then click Register. You will land on the first page of the inventory.
3. "Welcome to Style Matters" displays in middle of your screen. You're there! Just follow instructions from there.
It takes about 15 minutes to take the inventory. If you have difficulty with the website please try another browser. The Riverhouse server usually gets along well with Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11, and Safari but not so well with Internet Explorer 7 (IE7 2007).
Please print out a copy of your personal score report and bring it to our session.
If you need technical assistance, contact Riverhouse ePress at center@riverhouseepress.com or (717) 456-0441.
If you are logged in, you can easily change who gets score reports here.
By default setting, when a user takes Style Matters, their score report is emailed to the user and a copy is sent to the purchaser. All of these settings can be changed:
If you are the purchaser, it is important for you to think through appropriate handling of score reports and makes settings accordingly.
In academia and some community settings, it is common practice for instructors to receive copies of score reports. However, in employment situations, it may be sensitive for anyone other than the end user to receive a copy of the report.
Please review your situation and take responsibility to let us know if you would like any changes to the existing settings. If we don't hear from you the defaults will prevail: You and users will receive an emailed copy of score reports.
After logging in, scroll to the bottom of the page to the Coupon Manager. This shows who has used your access codes and tracks how many uses you have left. As trainer, you will automatically receive a copy of the score report whenever someone uses your coupon. To change this setting or to autoforward score reports to a different address, click the link below.Change settings for forwarding score reports.
1. Our Trainers Guide to Successful Conflict Style Workshops is a comprehensive, 40 page guide downloadable as a free PDF. This is a comprehensive guide for trainers on all topics related to Style Matters. However it focuses mostly on the print version. For a detailed outline keyed to the online version, use item 2 below as overall plan and use the larger guide as a resource for detailed explanation of concepts.
2. The Training Outline for Style Matters Online is a brief outline of a workshop based on the Online Version of Style Matters.
3. View a sample score report generated by the online version here. See guidance for working with this score report in items 1 and 2 above.
4. Free “Intro to Conflict Styles” slideshow. This is a short and easy way to introduce conflict styles in a workshop. Instructions for use are included in the trainers guides in items 1 and 2 above.
Change settings for forwarding score reports.
go to login button
Need assistance? Email center@riverhouseepress.com with a copy of the login instructions you received and a brief description of what is happening. We'll reply in one business day - usually less.