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How to Print Your Score Report from an Email


How to Print Your Score Report from an Email


If you're connected to a printer, you can easily print your score report directly from an email.   See instructions for the most commonly used browsers below.   For more detailed instructions and for email browsers not covered here, do a web search on: "Print email in Gmail" (or Outlook or Apple Mail, etc.) and you'll find lots of guidance.


When you are in the score report email, you will see at the top of the email three horizontal dots located to the right of the Reply arrow.  Click the dots and then click Print.


When you are in the score report email, at the top left of your screen, click on File.  When the menu drops down, click on Print.


When you are in the score report email, at the top left of your screen, click on File.  (If you don't seen a menu up there, move your cursor to the very top of your screen and the menu should appear.)  When the sub-menu drops down, click on Print.